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"To them I will give in My house and within My walls, a memorial, and a name better than that of sons and of daughters;I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off." Isaiah 56:5

The Seven canonized Fasts of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

This fast is in remembrance of how the prophets desperately fasted and prayed for the coming of the Messiah. Even their righteousness was worthless until the coming of Christ.(Isaiah 64:6) Therefore they said "Please come and salvage us" (Psalm 118:25) Imitating them today we fast so that Christ will come to our heart and lead us to salvation.

During this three day fast we remember the Ninevites and their true repentance when they stray away from God's commandments. Through prophet Jonah they listened the calling of God and repented. Similarly in this three days we remind of ourselves to listen to the gospel and return back to our Savior.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ fasted 40 days to show us the path of overcoming temptations and learning from our master we fast Lent. 

This fast is conducted as the apostles fasted after they received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and before they start spreading the gospel in the world. Similarly we fast so that we become the temple of the Holy Spirit and that God blesses our future endeavors in our life.

In accordance with the disciples fast to witness the whereabouts of the Holy Virgin Mary's body after she was assumed into heaven, We fast for two weeks to experience the blessing and intersession prayer of Our Lady and Mother the Holy Virgin Mary. 

This canonical fast is fasted as a replacement of either Wednesday or Friday where the celebration of Epiphany falls on. In order to celebrate the feast of Epiphany with joy and in a festive manner we replace the fast on the day before which will be on Tuesday or Thursday and commemorate Epiphany on the day of.  

Two of the days (Wednesday and Friday) of Christ's passion week are very significant in Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. We believe that Wednesday was the day that the pharisees decide to crucify Him and Friday is the actual day that they carried out the crucifixion. Therefore we fast they two days the whole year except 50 days of Pentecost to remember the price our heavenly Father payed for our Salvation.  

During this three day fast we remember the Ninevites and their true repentance when they stray away from God's commandments. Through prophet Jonah they listened the calling of God and repented. Similarly in this three days we remind of ourselves to listen to the gospel and return back to our Savior.

Fast of Nineveh

February 6th - 8th 2023

Two of the days (Wednesday and Friday) of Christ's passion week are very significant in Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. We believe that Wednesday was the day that the pharisees decide to crucify Him and Friday is the actual day that they carried out the crucifixion. Therefore we fast they two days the whole year except 50 days of Pentecost to remember the price our heavenly Father payed for our Salvation.  

Wednesday and Friday

Wednesdays and Fridays

This canonical fast is fasted as a replacement of either Wednesday or Friday where the celebration of Epiphany falls on. In order to celebrate the feast of Epiphany with joy and in a festive manner we replace the fast on the day before which will be on Tuesday or Thursday and commemorate Epiphany on the day of. 

Fast of Gehad

(The replacement fast)

In accordance with the disciples fast to witness the whereabouts of the Holy Virgin Mary's body after she was assumed into heaven, We fast for two weeks to experience the blessing and intersession prayer of Our Lady and Mother the Holy Virgin Mary. 

Fast of Felseta

August 7th - 21st 2023


(Assumption of Virgin Mary)

This fast is in remembrance of how the prophets desperately fasted and prayed for the coming of the Messiah. Even their righteousness was worthless until the coming of Christ.(Isaiah 64:6) Therefore they said "Please come and salvage us" (Psalm 118:25) Imitating them today we fast so that Christ will come to our heart and lead us to salvation.

Fast of the Prophets

November 24th - January 7th 2022-23


Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ fasted 40 days to show us the path of overcoming temptations and learning from our master we fast Lent. 

The Great Lent

February 20th - April 16th 2023

This fast is conducted as the apostles fasted after they received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and before they start spreading the gospel in the world. Similarly we fast so that we become the temple of the Holy Spirit and that God blesses our future endeavors in our life. 

Fast of the Apostles

June 5th - July 11th 2023



Book of Monthly Celebrations

Below are also designated days for commemorating our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ and His saints who overcame this world and it's temptations.

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