"I will also speak of your testimonies before kings and shall not be put to shame," Psalm 118:46


"YOTC is like a family to me. I've learned so much about my faith and it has helped me so much in my spiritual journey. It truly is home and I'm so grateful to be around such a supportive and amazing group of people."

"YOTC has been essential in my life, assisting me in growing spiritually. I have learned how to apply God's word in my daily life and I am a better person because of it."

I hope it isn't cheesy but" Growing up I always wanted to learn more about my church and religion. YOTC provided me with a unique chance to learn in a way that I can understand and make the church so relatable to me. They even make coming to church a cool thing. I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I never joined YOTC"

Hmm "YOTC means the world to me! it is a place where I am able to be vulnerable and understand there are others on the same road in the orthodox faith; Where I have the ability to show others the light I'm able to see, It's truly my second family"

"YOTC was a chance for me to know myself. I learned a lot of things about the Orthodox Tewahedo faith but also learned about my purpose and how to interpret life. The people in YOTC also provided a safe space for me to voice my internal struggles by voicing theirs as well"

"I have been a part of YOTC for about 4 years. It has overtime became my support system. YOTC has allowed me to not only learn the words of God but also gain brothers and sisters. It has helped me to reinforce God in my life, whether at work or school. YOTC is one of the greatest blessings in my life"

"So YOTC is place where I share and gain God's words. It has made a big impact in my life because I get to surround myself with people that have the same mission and goals in Christ. it's a welcoming setting to be myself"

"YOTC to me is a safe place where I'm able to learn and grow in my spirituality. YOTC is a family filled with incredible people to look up to in life."